Monday, June 17, 2013

::Outfit Post - June::

Finally weather is getting a bit warmer and allows for more crazy outfits. Honestly, I can't wait to wear all those dresses, skirts and shorts that are buried in wardrobe for ages.
For the first time in this little feature I'm not wearing my fave jacket. Hoooray!
shirt - Primark
shorts - Internationale
tights -eBay
heels - Internationale
You will never guess, but those shoes are so comfy! Really. As I'm not really a high-heel person (I like to look at them but hardly ever wear a pair) and my balance is a bit off, haha.
I kinda like my hair, they've been slowly growing back and I can't wait to dye them again (rainbow colours, yay!). Also I was wondering, if I should make those posts about life a bit more often or leave it as a monthly feature? What do you think?